Monday 27 April 2015

24 Hours in the Past

BBC One trailer via YouTube

A 'living history' reality show called 24 Hours in the Past starts tomorrow night (Tues, 28 Apr) at 9pm on BBC1.

So, what is it? Well, in a nutshell, a bunch of celebrities have to spend time working as Victorians, and sampling four different workplaces over four different days. They also have to live in a Victorian style.

Who are the celebrities? There are six celebrities - several of which have previously featured on Strictly Come Dancing. They include Ann Widdecombe, Alistair McGowan, Tyger Drew-Honey (Outnumbered) and Welsh athlete Colin Jackson.

So, only time will tell how good or otherwise the programme turns out to be - but anything that encourages an interest in history and social history is worth a try.

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